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Heiratsschwindler durch Facebook entlarvt - 4 Ehefrauen, 7 Verlobte und 5 Freundinnen

4 Ehefrauen, 7 Verlobte und 5 Freundinnen – Heiratsschwindler durch Facebook entlarvt

Mr Loverman: Arrested bigamist sets record with FOUR wives, SEVEN fiancees and FIVE girlfriends after latest wife spotted him with another woman on Facebook
Sonko Tijan used his 16 lovers for places to stay, hot food and loans
He has fathered at least four children in Austria, with two more coming
Police found he is also married with children in his home country of Gambia
He was finally caught after cops arranged a honey trap - of course

A prolific lover with four wives, seven fiancées and five girlfriends has set Austria's record for bigamy.
Sonko Tijan was finally caught in a honey trap at Vienna Airport after two of his wives realised they were married to the same man and complained to police.
The seducer had picked up women all across the country, using them for room and board whenever he was nearby and borrowing money from them which he never returned.
His downfall came after he met Sonja Maier, who believed she had found love at first sight when she was swept off her feet by Tijan after meeting him in a bar.
The 28-year-old from Gambia told her he felt the same, and after a whirlwind romance - and against the advice of her family - they were married a month later.
After a year of happy marriage she was pregnant and browsing Facebook when she happened across somebody with the same surname and a strikingly similar-looking husband.
Curious, the delved into the woman's profile. Then she realised this woman's husband was not only similar looking, but actually identical. The fact he had the same surname as her own spouse convinced her something was wrong.
'I thought that either he had a twin I never knew about or he was cheating on me,' she said.
Ms Maier got in touch with the woman to compare notes. Soon they realised that when he was with one of them, he was never with the other, and together they made a complaint to police after he vanished when they confronted him.
That complaint led to the unravelling of a web of intrigue that has so far revealed 16 different women all of whom believed they were in an exclusive relationship with Tijan, including three who were married to him.
The youngest of his women was 22, and the oldest 44; there is also another woman he is married to in his home country, where he also has children.

Read more: Bigamist Sonko Tijan sets record with 4 wives, 7 fiancees and 5 girlfriends | Daily Mail Online
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Bigamist Sonko Tijan sets record with 4 wives, 7 fiancees and 5 girlfriends | Daily Mail Online


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